Where is Firefly Farm located?

We are located in the heart of Chattahoochee Hills, minutes away from beautiful Cochran Mill Park as well as the world class Chattahoochee Hills Eventing Facility located at Bouckaert Farm. Please contact us to schedule your child’s horseback riding lesson and receive detailed directions!

What should my child wear for their lesson?

Helmets are required for every student. Long, smooth and close-fitting pants and closed toed shoes, preferably with a slight heel are appropriate. We recommend clothes and shoes that you don’t mind getting a little dirty! 😉

There’s no need to invest in gear at this point, but when you or your child are ready I can offer inexpensive recommendations on what they will need.

What time should I arrive for my child’s lessons?

For the first lesson, we suggest arriving five-ten minutes early to settle in, arrange payment and sign a hold harmless/waiver before your young rider’s horseback riding lesson begins.

Good horsemanship is the cornerstone of our program, and it begins on the ground. Beginners will learn about safely grooming, leading, and saddling up as part of their lesson initially. Once your young rider is able to safely and confidently groom and tack their pony without instruction, they are invited to arrive 15 minutes early to groom and saddle up ( under supervision ) independently so they can spend extra time in the saddle!

I’ve never ridden a horse (or pony) before – is it hard?

Riding is SO much fun that you won’t even realize you’re working hard, we promise!

Learning the basics of how to start, stop, and steer is pretty easy, but riding at the upper levels of competition is incredibly challenging and takes years to master. Fortunately, we can show you the ropes and teach you everything from the basics to more advanced techniques.

We customize each riding lesson to you and your child’s goals. If they want to pursue horseback riding as a serious sport, we will challenge your young rider to chase their dreams down and make them a reality. If your little one just loves ponies and wants to have fun and stay safe – hey, that’s right up our alley too!

Our goal with beginner riders is to build confidence, safe habits and fun so that if they do choose to pursue riding as a serious sport they have a strong foundation, and if not – no pressure!

Can we feed the horses a treat?

Yes, you totally can! Our horses love healthy treats like apples and carrots, but will also happily eat peppermints and sugar cubes – feel free to bring some to share!

Remember- little fingers look a lot like baby carrots. To avoid accidental chomps, please do not offer treats without first letting us know. so we can help you keep your kids safe.

What do kids learn in their riding lessons?

Lessons are taught in an English saddle, but the basic skills translate from English to Western. Good horsemanship is the cornerstone of our program, but we teach from an eventing/dressage perspective.

Our mission is to build horsewomen and men, one lesson at a time. Each riding lesson is customized to your kid’s goals, comfort level, and experience. Every rider will learn how to lead and handle a horse safely, pick hooves, brush, saddle and unsaddle their horse. They will learn anatomy and horse behavior related to their riding lessons – keep your ears pricked and you will learn something you didn’t know as well! 😉

In the saddle, kids will learn independence and confidence by progressively building upon each exercise that they’ve been working on. From touching a horse’s coat for the first time ever to jumping their first jump or trotting down their first centerline in the show ring – we’re ready to show your kid that they’re capable of accomplishing amazing tasks!

Regardless of their experience or aspirations with the horse, safe habits and good stewardship of the animal is instilled into each and every rider.